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Robotic Assistance Dogs AI

Robotic Assistance Dogs AI is a venture to provide robotic quadrupeds to assist humans, particularly where disabilities prevent people from leading the lives they wish to lead. Whilst initially focused on people with sight loss, using our Robotically Engineered Guide (REG), there is the desire to extend Robotic Assistance Dogs (RAD) services to meet a range of different disabilities and needs, including hearing loss, mental health and general welfare and companionship.

Our RADs will have the potential to see and hear for those that can’t, to do everyday tasks for those who find them challenging or impossible, and offer support, comfort and independence for those that desperately need and deserve it.

Robotics and EdgeAI, as with many sectors of Artificial Intelligence have experienced a surge in innovation allowing what was previously not feasible to now be viable. This surge in AI innovation is growing in momentum.

We are looking for potential funding and partnerships. Please get in touch with us at

A photo of REG a robot dog with fluorescent stripes, standing and offering a raised foot

Founding team

Robotic Assistance Dogs AI has been founded by Matthew Bottomley and Christopher Thomas. Find out more about us.

Our Solution

We envision a world where assistive technology is accessible and affordable for everyone who needs it to help with both their independent living and mental health.

Find out more about our proposed AI Robotically Engineered Guide (REG)

Canine versus Robot

It's important to note that assistance dogs are not pets. They are highly trained to perform specific tasks that their handler cannot perform themselves due to a disability. Find out more about Canine versus Robot.

Why Robotic Assistance Dogs?

Approximately 285 million people worldwide are vision impaired, with 39 million of them being totally blind. Find out more about how Robotic Assistance Dogs might help.

A photo of REG a robot dog with fluorescent stripes, standing